mastering the media for athletes
January 2025 Newsletter
Six reflections on starting out in a new career Sleep Tool to try: Cognitive Restructuring Coaching Cards: Now available to purchase Interview to read: Cath Bishop with Dr Kate Hays Book review: Teenagers Site of the month: Women’s Sport Collective Jobs board This...
Teenagers: The Evidence Base by Matilda Gosling
This is a book on how to use research evidence to parent children from 10-18. As the mum of an 8 year old (and am dreading the teenage years) and who works with junior athletes aged 10 and over I really wanted to delve in and see what I could learn for myself and the...
Gift guide for the athlete in your life
Children Working on the mental side of sports with children can feel scary but the younger they are when you help them understand their emotions, see their strengths and learn how to handle worries effectively then the easier they will find the sporting environment....
The benefits of exercise
Today I chatted to Kaye Adams on BBC Radio Scotland about Rod Stewart’s daily SAS style training to get into shape for his tour. We chatted about whether that is good idea for those in their 70s… and I wanted to highlight there are some brilliant benefits to tough...
Keynote speaking and broadcast examples
Local legend and former footballer, Dion Dublin, and Sport Psychologist Dr Josephine Perry visit Monkspath Infant and Junior School, Shirley, to give a very different type of team talk – in collaboration with ClearScore - to help pupils improve their confidence of and...
Client Information Sheet
Performance in Mind is a performance psychology consultancy run by Dr Josephine Perry. Dr Perry is a Chartered Sport and Exercise Psychologist. She is a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the Association of Applied Sport Psychologists (AASP). Dr...
They don’t tell you this stuff – it is such a reality check
Each Monday I start my week in the loveliest way - I have two pro bono slots to chat to those who are looking to have a career in Sport or Exercise Psychology about how it works (in my experience) and offer advice on how they can get started. There are three questions...
How can elite athletes navigate social media?
This week I had my first ever work experience student. Amelia Casey is just about to begin her third year at Birmingham Uni studying Psychology and she wanted to find out if Sport Psychology is a career she would enjoy. Much of my work as a Sport Psychologist is...
Latest research: Teenage girls, perfectionism and social media
I regularly work with teenage girls who have high levels of perfectionism (a trait where we have incredibly high standards and harsh self-criticism) and find this has become a double edged sword for them. On the one hand it means they set super high goals, they will...
Four ways to use social media to boost wellbeing
A new piece of research (Towards a framework for flourishing through social media: a systematic review of 118 research studies) led by Maya Gudka at London Business School has just been published and it includes some really interesting findings as to how our use of...
The 10 Pillars of Success
Sport psychologist Dr Josephine Perry spends her life working with exceptional performers. She has identified ten psychological pillars that the ultra-successful have ingrained within their approach. And the good news is that we can all learn these mental building...
8 things I loved about the Tokyo Olympics
Dan Walker and Sam Quek on the BBC Coverage of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics I was one of those who was never quite sure the Olympics would happen this year so hadn’t built up excitement – but now it is over I feel sad that cartoons will be back on our screen over breakfast...
Are more athletes struggling with poor mental health – or are they talking about their mental health more?
One of the best things about being a sport psychologist is that every time you watch sport you can class it as CPD and media interview preparation and feel a little bit smug and a little less guilty (because that to do list is always nagging away). So, hands up I’ve...
The impact of media pressure on Olympic Athletes
The modern media environment makes sport a very different experience for athletes. They don't just perform and maybe chat about it afterwards with a journalist. They have to behave with the media in mind at all times. I researched this a few years ago and interviewed...
Social media: Motivator or Monster
I was recently asked by Runners World to talk on their podcast about how runners use social media. I love this subject (and spend far too much time on social media myself) so really enjoyed the chat. I haven’t been brave enough to listen to it yet so don’t know if...
Social media: The pros and cons for athletes
Sharing your expertise with journalists
The ten social media mistakes athletes make most often
Social media can have many great uses for athletes. You can keep up with latest advice and research on your sport or training, you can catch up with friends and their news even when you are training and working too many hours to see them in person and it can keep you...
Handling the media
Tips from retired athletes about dealing with the media
I have recently been researching how Olympic athletes are impacted by the media. I asked ten Olympic athletes, based on their experiences with the media, to give advice to junior athletes just starting out in international competition. The most common and salient...