Performance in Mind is a performance psychology consultancy run by Dr Josephine Perry. Dr Perry is a Chartered Sport and Exercise Psychologist. She is a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the Association of Applied Sport Psychologists (AASP). Dr Perry has full Insurance, an enhanced DBS check and is regulated through the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC). Performance in Mind works with those over the age of 10 wanting to perform at a high level, supporting them to improve their performances and experiences when under pressure. Throughout the consultancy programme the client and their psychologist work together to understand how the client’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours interrelate and are impacting their performance. Together they create strategies to develop positive approaches and behaviours that will improve the client’s performance and experience of the process. Dr Perry works from the ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Training) approach. The work often has some practical elements and homework and practice will usually be required to make the most of the skills being worked upon.

Costs and cancellations

Psychology services cost £120 for face-to-face sessions (Clinic in West London) and £95 online. A session lasts between 50 and 55 minutes. Fees for individual sessions are to be paid in advance online when booking. Fees for packages will be invoiced to be paid by BACS prior to the package of sessions commencing. Packages are not refundable but you do have 12 months to use the sessions paid for. 24 hours’ notice is required to cancel a session. 12 hours’ notice is required to move a session. Without this the session will be charged for. If you arrive late for a session you will still need to pay for the whole session and we still have to finish on time.

Performance in Mind expects clients:

  • To be realistic about what is possible from performance psychology and the amount of time programmes and strategies take to implement.
  • To feel comfortable and committed to the ACT approach and keen to commit to the practical work and practice that it requires.

Clients can expect:

  • A professional, friendly, courteous service.
  • A short note to be sent to you after each session summarising key points and reminding you of homework or reflection so you can practice the techniques discussed.
  • To only be recommended programmes or strategies that benefit performance or wellbeing.
  • To only be advised in areas where the psychologist is fully competent. If the psychologist feels they do not have the skills or competency to help on a specific area they may offer advice on where that help maybe sought.
  • To have a record of session notes kept securely and to be able to read these if requested.
  • To be given complete confidentiality. The only time confidentiality will be breached is if the consultant has serious concerns around safeguarding with a client being at risk themselves or another person maybe at risk.
  • For their psychologist to follow the BPS Code of Ethics and Conduct.
  • That interactions will not be adversely influenced by any considerations of religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, politics or social standing.