by Josephine Perry | Feb 28, 2022 | Improve, Performance Psychology
Lots of sport psychological research takes place in a fairly clinical environments – away from the cut and thrust of sport. It might take place in a lab (on treadmills, turbo trainers or basketball hoops) or by asking people to complete questionnaires or interviews....
by Josephine Perry | Jan 14, 2022 | Improve, Performance Psychology
I can still remember running my 10k PB. It was May 2006 and I ran 43:19. I don’t remember it for the speed though. I remember it because I just got through 5k, glanced at my watch and was blown away by how fast (for me) I was. As I looked up I ran past a mum with a...
by Josephine Perry | Dec 7, 2021 | Athlete Wellbeing, Exercise psychology, Motivation, News, Performance Psychology, Sports Psychology
Sport Psychology and coaching Exploring sport coaching and psychology Open University This looks at the influence of coaching and psychology through the lens of sports people and teams who have been successful. In it you focus on coaching practices used with young...
by Josephine Perry | Nov 2, 2021 | Athlete Wellbeing, Improve, Performance Psychology, Sports Psychology
A group of sport psychologists lead by David Eccles at Florida State Uni joined by those from the University of Amsterdam have recently collaborated on a paper looking at ways to help get athletes adequate mental rest. The paper is in the Journal of Sport Psychology...
by Josephine Perry | Oct 11, 2021 | News, Performance Psychology, Sports Psychology, Uncategorized
Sport psychologist Dr Josephine Perry spends her life working with exceptional performers. She has identified ten psychological pillars that the ultra-successful have ingrained within their approach. And the good news is that we can all learn these mental building...
by Josephine Perry | Jun 21, 2021 | Book reviews, Books, Performance Psychology, Sports psych profession
I needed to get a handle on a corporate contract recently and felt I was doing an awful job of it – as a psychologist my ‘wanting to help people and improve their wellbeing’ side overtook my ‘I won’t be much support to anyone if I can’t pay the mortgage’ side. A...
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